Levitate Foundry: Growth Marketing Firm for top DTC brands


Stephanie L.


At Levitate Foundry, we collaborate closely with founders to help them launch the world’s most innovative brands. We’re hyper-focused on the big picture and the goal of growing their brands that will disrupt entire industries.

We’re dedicated to providing CMO-level marketing expertise to all of our brands with our knowledge on everything brand, media buying, growth, design, and development.


What was the inspiration to start this business?

When I graduated from UC Berkeley, my closest friends (nearly everyone I knew) graduated into investment banking roles in the Finance industry. I knew I wanted to be in tech, eCommerce, building companies. For over a decade, I paid my dues at companies like Amazon.com, Gap Inc. Sephora, and Facebook absorbing knowledge from every corner.

After meeting so many inspirational founders along the way, I knew I wanted to pursue my passion for building consumer brands. I always loved working directly with founders to help them build their brands - I decided to build Levitate Foundry to do exactly that. A year after founding the company, we’re now working with over 50+ brands across content strategy, digital marketing, site and mobile experience, and growth marketing.

When you started your business, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?

Do your best and work towards the best! We certainly did not imagine this level of growth (200% growth YoY) or success, but we put our best foot forward, and did everything we could to grow the business, and now we are seeing the growth come to life.


Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles, or challenges? What were they and how did you get passed it and grow from the experience?

Plenty. The only thing you can do in this scenario is to keep in mind that any hardships thrown your way is a perfect learning opportunity to experience something difficult, and to get better at handling difficult people, difficult situations, and difficult experiences. All of these difficult ‘things’ makes you stronger in the end.


What was the biggest lesson you learned while starting and growing this business?

There are always going to be people that want a piece of your business once they see that it’s successful. Make sure everyone you work with has a contract with you, and don’t let others take advantage of you. Fight for your business!

What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feel like it's too difficult?

The first year - second year of any business is always the toughest. I think if you can have a good friend, a good life partner, therapist, or family member to lean on for support in that first year or two, that’s important. Not everyone has the luxury of having a supportive co-founder, but we can rely on our friends, family and partner for support here. It’s always difficult to kickstart a new business, but with a good support system, it’s a bit easier to make it out of those first two years.

What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?

I’m passionate about my work, I love my work, and there is nothing else I’d rather be doing. The founders and businesses we work with inspire me, that’s incentive enough to keep growing the business.

Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?

Think about the future - Always keep any eye out on what’s changing in the world and observe those around you. Keep learning, connect the dots, and don’t be afraid to pivot your business to avoid stagnation.

FEMs can stay in touch by signing up for Levitate Foundry’s newsletter at LevitateFoundry.com

Instagram: @LevitateFoundry LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephyliu/