Encouragement From A Business Owner & Author
Rose Campbell
I own a PR and marketing firm. I have a program for young women entrepreneurs that teaches them how to do their social media and pitch themselves for the press. program requirements are for single mothers or young entrepreneurs. Also, I am an author one book proceeds go to my program for young entrepreneurs and the other goes to a nonprofit that helps children who have been sex trafficked with rehabilitation.
What was the inspiration to start this business?
My life has been a beautiful example of what happens when hard work, dedication, support, and encouragement meet opportunities. I've dedicated my life to living beyond my circumstances, but equally as important, I've dedicated my life to being the support and encouragement I once needed. I am passionate about living a message of service and believe that when I do I get to support people I am being a role model, inspiring the next generation of young women to be strong, confident, intelligent leaders that serve.
When you started your business, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?
absolutely not lol but im happy how it turned out
Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles, or challenges? What were they and how did you get passed it and grow from the experience?
yes, of course. It definilty has been a struggles. We lost our home four years ago from hurricane and during recovery the contractor set the house on fire and ran with 30k insurance check.. but we sold the house bought a travel trailer and traveled during covid with 5 toddlers. now we have a house on acreage in the woodlands texas and both have very successful businesses. Times were very dark for while.
What was the biggest lesson you learned while starting and growing this business?
not to give up. I know that is cliche. But it is true. If you dont give up even during the hard times things will turn around for the better.
What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feel like it's too difficult?
Know your worth and That it is okay to ask for help.
What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?
My children - I have 5 toddlers and I dont want them to ever have to struggle like I did as a child. I was the victim of sex trafficking while I was in foster care. I was adopted at 10 and it changed my life. They are the reason I am the way I am today.
Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?
Have the right mindset.The public often hears about overnight successes because they make for a great headline. However, it’s rarely that simple—they don’t see the years of dreaming, building and positioning before a big public launch. For this reason, remember to focus on your business journey and don’t measure your success against someone else’s.
To connect: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rose.channell.1
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/corrallingthecampbells