Kelly Carroll Burgin on Surrounding Yourself with Support in 2022
Enjoy what you do and the results will be great. Life is full of distractions, learn from them and be happy.
Founder of K.Carroll Accessories, Kelly Carroll Burgin has lead a team of motivated and passionate women for almost 20 years. Starting the business in her garage after being downsized from a corporate sales position, the company is now featured on Good Morning America and been on Oprah's Favorite Things list 3 times! In 2022, Kelly and Justin will celebrate 30 years of marriage and raising 4 children. Kelly is a graduate of Michigan State University and loves spending time at her cottage in northern Michigan.
What was the biggest lesson you learned from 2021?
Life goes on. It's been a crazy 2 years for the world, both personally and professionally. We are all in uncharted waters. Managing a small business has always been challenging, as we need to constantly recreate ourselves. 2021 was no exception. I've learned to continue to look forward with a positive outlook and keep working hard.
How are you preparing for 2022?
In the fashion industry, we prepare for 2022 early in 2021. Our spring line is ready to go to market, and I'm starting to design Fall. We attend markets across the country in January, from Atlanta to Vegas, watching for trends and developing our best designs. Staying positive, enjoying what I do and working with a great team, helps me to prepare.
What advice would you give other female founders that are looking to create big success in 2022?
Push yourself and appreciate your support. What we did last year or five years ago, is then. We need to work harder and be more creative every day. Be aware of those around you, work well with your team, learn from your environment. We do not do it alone. Surround yourself with positive, smart, motivated people that will help you succeed.
What’s your 2022 mantra?
Enjoy what you do and the results will be great. Life is full of distractions, learn from them and be happy.