FemCity Eagan Leader
What is the biggest misnomer on Self-Love?
A misnomer is that self-love is being a narcissist. Loving yourself or “Self-love” is warm and compassionate, affirming, and helps you maintain appropriate self-esteem. The narcissists’ self-love is shallow and superficial. It is dependent upon the praise and admiration from others.
What was the biggest struggle for you when it came to your own Self-Love feelings, thoughts and internal conversations?
The biggest struggle for me when it came to self-love was recognizing the importance of adding a self-love practice into my life. I never really thought that loving myself was important. I would give to others but not take time to honor and give to myself. I had an aha moment when my daughter was struggling with mental illness to find my true self and love her. I searched online for information and support. I found an amazing intensive program that guided me through a deep healing and brought awareness around loving myself.
How do you practice Self-Love?
I practice self-love in many ways; set boundaries, quiet time, rephrase my negative self talk, journal, be honest with my feelings, remember my true self, be with my emotions, be compassionate with myself. Love myself for who I truly am the good and not so good. I am a work in progress.