What does self-love mean to you?
How do you take on self-love?
Self-love has been proven to increase confidence and revenue, and it helps to maintain a high vibe which brings in more opportunities. With this in mind... please answer these questions:
What can you do to increase self-love?
What areas are you the harshest when it comes to self-love?
At times we share internal stories that hold us back, and it originates from a place of fear versus a place of love.
What is a story you share often in your mind that doesn't come from a place of love but more from a place of fear?
What are some ways you can change this story or any other story that you share internally so you can elevate your self-love?
Are there any activities that you take on that don't come from a place of love and impact your self-love connection?
HOMEWORK: Work on listening to the messages that you share or the activities you take on that don't support a high level of self-love. Try to edit these messages and the activities by the responses you noted above.