Our Local Business Membership is ideal for FEMS that are investing in themselves, their business, their community and actively seeking opportunities within their city. Our Business Members are on a path of growth, influence and making a bigger social positive impact.
Enjoy access to our private Local and Members-Only events at a discounted rate, weekly business classes, Accountability sessions, virtual networking, monthly group-coaching with FemCity Founder, and our monthly masterclass. In addition, get featured in our Members-Only Directory so women around the globe can learn about your business, brand and all the wonderful things you’re creating in this world.
24/7 access to business and personal development classes and resources.EVENTS
Local In-Person FemCity events + gatherings for women at a discount.GROUP COACHING
Every month, pick Violette’s brain, meet with her for advice guidance or just to cheer you on.Add your business to our public directory and be a part of our referral network.
Connect with FEMS around the world from the comfort of your home office every Wednesday!LIVE CLASSES + MENTORSHIP SESSIONS
Ask our experts for advice, tips, and guidance during our weekly business and FemCity classes every Monday and office hours every Thursday.MONTHLY MASTERCLASS
Join FemCity Founder for a business class on the first Tuesday of the Month.WAIT, THERE’S MORE
Special seasonal campaigns, events, exclusive classes and recognition at local events. 2 Accountability Programs are included each year, valued at $300.
Rates are based on USD • Membership is non-refundable
Membership is non-transferable • To cancel, log in to your FemCity account, click “cancel membership” prior to next charge
Membership fee may be tax-deductible. Ask your CPA.
For Membership Orientation, click here.
To start a FemCity Chapter, apply to be a FemCity President by visiting here.
To be a FemCity Speaker + Teacher, click here to join our FemCity Founder’s Circle.
100% of your Membership goes into supporting our community. You may cancel your membership at anytime by visiting your dashboard, {lower right hand side log in button} and click cancel.