3 Ways to Increase Your Money Vibe // by Violette de Ayala
3 Ways to Increase Your Money Vibe
by Violette de Ayala
It's uncomfortable to discuss money, revenue, and finances. If we use the philosophy that what we talk about comes about, then it makes sense to chat about wealth and money often. Why do we have problems sharing our money stories and business revenue growth with others? What if there was a high level of ease in talking about money as there was with sharing about your latest workout or vacation plans? If we talk more and focus on the wealth, would more show up in our lives?
Here are three action steps to increase your money vibe:
1. Take the time to look at your numbers:: This will most likely be the most difficult action step to take on because to view your revenue numbers and be honest takes a lot of bravery. Take a look at what you bring in, what you pay out, and where you are bringing in the most wealth. If it's all a zero, or a few dollars, it's still a great exercise to start easing into making wealth a daily thought.
2. Where can you bring in more money:: Some further questions to ask are:
What revenue stream is really working based on the real numbers
What is growing in revenue
What's not working
What is needing a bit of a push
This will help you to focus on what hours are spent for the money received.
3. How can you amplify it:: What are some edits and tweaks you can make to amplify not only the money coming in but the value of your time? Can you be more productive in some areas? Hire someone to help you with a certain task so it frees up your time to work on the money? How can you take your existing set of time blocks and create more wealth for the same input and energy?
I know this may be very uncomfortable for many of you. The most beautiful transformations in life come from stepping into this really difficult place and conducting honest conversations. You've got this!! I believe in you. Now go get your money vibe growing!
In gratitude, Violette de Ayala // Founder of FemCity