How to Accomplish a Big 2019 Goal // by Violette de Ayala
How to Accomplish a Big 2019 Goal
by Violette de Ayala
How to Accomplish a Big 2019 Goal
We are closing in on 2019 and perhaps we are looking at our goals and not feeling a sense of accomplishment and success. We have all been there. Now is the moment to take hold of the last 3 months and finish the year feeling great, successful and stronger than before.
Today I am breaking down three ways you can tackle 2019 and make it the year you knocked out your NYE goals. BTW, these are exercises I have completed so I know the process and format really well. I am proof that we can do anything we set our minds to when we have a plan and a deep level of clarity.
1. Start small : Often, I see many women take on so many goals that there is a paralyzing sense of being overwhelmed, and that creates nonaction. Some take on the biggest goals all in one year and that creates a level of sadness and lost hope when we don't even move in those goal directed action steps. When we have too many shiny things in our way, it's hard to focus on just one item of gold. What is the one goal you want to take on in 2019? Just one goal! Write it out, and note why this is important to you, how this will change your life, will it make you feel amazing and how will it help others. Keep this handy and refer to it daily! This is your guiding goal memo and contract you have created in alignment with your purpose.
2. Action : Now that you have clarity in one area, it's time to create a strategy and a plan to get moving and grooving towards your goal. Note what are 10 proven ways to accomplish this goal and then follow each item with action steps you will take on every single day. As an example, if you wanted to increase your Instagram followers, you would research how others have done it, create a list of 10 of those proven tips and then add how you will start to work on a piece each and every day. Even if they are small movements of action, they are moving you towards your goal. The goal for this step is to find proven methods, and create a daily strategy that falls in line with success and the steps to get there. I love to also quantify my goals so as an example if I wanted 10,000 followers by 12/31/19, I would then create weekly goals with milestones to obtain that number so that it's systematic. Work backwards from your goal, which would mean about 800 new followers a week in order to reach 10,000 in three months time.
3. Reward : Each day that you take steps towards this goal, reward yourself with a mega dose of self-love and honoring your commitment. Tell yourself how great you are, the level of commitment you carry and how proud you are of your clarity and focus. It's really important to use this time to increase your vibe and energy to recognize your work. It will inspire you to keep on going, it will help you stay focused on your one goal, and your increase in high-level energy will make other items in your life flow better too.
If you accomplish your goal faster and have time to add on another goal, go for it and use the same process. Let me know how it goes! I am so very excited for you! You've got this!!
Violette de Ayala // Founder of FemCity®
PS. I recommend searching and taking these classes in our Members Only Library : "How to Find Clarity and Passion in Business with Sarah Sparks", "Get Clarity in Business", "How to Achieve Your Goals" and "How to Crush Your Goals".