HOW TO CELEBRATE YOU // by Violette de Ayala
by Violette de Ayala
I love the next few weeks and how we reflect, review, and analyze. This can create a tremendous amount of joy, or a bit of anxiety depending on the mindset. It’s important to be kind to yourself, acknowledge how far you have come, and reward yourself with kindness to inspire your goals for 2020.
How can you celebrate you, your accomplishments, and give yourself a mega dose of healthy self-love? Here are a few ways to celebrate you, your accomplishments, and your greatness.
What was the scary item you took on this year? The beauty of life is stepping into the moments that are unnerving, unsure and uncertain. This is where growth occurs and the up leveling of living start to take form to the next greater path. This can be small or large, but regardless, stepping into this place of fear is the place where lives pivot. Acknowledge this time of your life from 2019 and write down how you felt before, during and after. This will be your guide for future moments of stepping into fear.
What was the one occasion you are most proud of from 2019? For some bizarre reason, women pull away from sharing their proud moments. But again, this is important in order to embrace your greatness. All of your greatness. Recognize your proud moment(s), and embrace the details and embrace that love.
What were ways you shared your superhero talents to benefit others? I love this question because as we share our talents with others, we confirm our purpose and gifts in this world. What were the ways you helped others? What were some of the ways you brought awesomeness to those around you? What were those little things that made others shine? Note all of these and more because as we see others, we see ourselves and our part in this world.
Go crazy on reflecting and reviewing, and let your soul soar into celebrating you.\
Cheers to you for what you attempted, worked on, and the moments you moved forward.
FemCity® Founder // Violette de Ayala
PS. Join me for a January Money Vibes Online Gathering. It's free for members and I am excited for us to kick off 2020 together.