TIFFANY JAZELLE // Founder + Creative Designer of T. Jazelle
Owner of T. Jazelle
I got a chance to connect with Tiffany Jazelle. She’s a female business owner of T. Jazelle, a Cape Cod-based gemstone bracelet company that sells in 600+ retail locations, that is giving back at a time retailers have been hit harder than ever before. I hope you find inspiration in learning about her founding story!
Special thanks to Tiffany for sharing with us!
What was the aha moment or inspiration that started you on the path of creating your jewelry line?
When I created my very first bracelet which fast forward would be the very first T. Jazelle bracelet. It was an Amethyst gemstone bracelet with an Angel charm. Once I created that bracelet it was like something came over me, THIS is what I'm going to do, it became more than a hobby a passion and with hard work and dedication became my company, T. Jazelle
What gave you the courage to step into launching your own business?
Once my very first independent retailer, a fine jewelry store in my home town Quincy MA, approached me about carrying my bracelets! Having someone who was not a friend or family member connect to my brand and what I was creating was so special. That jewelry store then called me a week later with a reorder and after that, it really pushed me to get on the road and reach out to other stores!
Did you ever feel like giving up your business dreams due to challenges? If so what did you do to stay focused on moving forward?
There are always challenges having your own business but I do feel that nothing outways the feeling of creating something you love and finding your passion. The hard times that have happened have only made my company and team stronger, some even ended up leading us to something even greater. I have found when something is meant to be it works out and finds its way! Just focus on why you started and the root of why it began.
We love what you are doing during COVID-19 and how you have pivoted to help others? How did this all start to form from a thought into a reality?
Thank you! Our company T. Jazelle is all about spreading positivity and creating pieces with meaning that can connect to your heart. When everything started happening with Covid-19, we knew we had to create something to try to bring some happiness, a little reminder better days are ahead but also we wanted to give back and make a difference, which is what lead to the TJ Relief Bracelet which $5 from every sale is being donated to the Coronavirus Relief Fund by Global Giving, since our launch on March 20th we have donated over $30,000 to fight Covid-19.
What advice would you give to other FEMS that are looking to make a difference through their brands?
Find what you're passionate about and then how you want to try to help make a difference! For us, it was making a meaningful bracelet to wear your story on your wrist!
Why do you think it’s important for us to focus on giving back?
I think it is important to give back because just knowing you are helping others or just making a difference is truly the most rewarding feeling!! It is such a great feeling knowing that something you created or something you have done is helping others which is something so important to us at T. Jazelle.
How can FEMS find you and learn more about you and T. Jazelle?
You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @tjazelle and our website