Sporty Mommas: Keeping mommas feeling good and looking fly
Sporty Mommas encourages moms of all ages to look and feel their best through fashion, fitness and inspiration. We help moms look good through our apparel but our blog and inspirational social media content is created to uplift and inspire them. It is important for moms to know that they aren't in this journey alone.
What was the inspiration to start this business?
I created Sporty Mommas 10 years ago when I was a new mom of two. My husband had recently retired much earlier than we expected and life as we knew it had changed. We went from traveIing all over the country to staring at the walls. I was so used to cheering him on and raising the kids, I started feeling very lost.
After months of praying, journaling, beading and anything else I could come up with, Sporty Mommas was born. I knew that I wasn't the only stay at home mom or working mom feeling this way. My clothes didn't fit. I wore big t-shirts and jeans everyday. It was time for a change and time to reclaim who I was.
When I was growing up I would hear my grandma say "hey now you lookin' sporty". I wanted to provide inspiration and cute apparel to give moms a boost of confidence. Sporty is "flashy" stands out in the crowd. And well we are moms so Sporty Mommas was a great fit.
When you started your business, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?
Not at all. I have been able to connect with so many women over the past 10 years. From networking events, leading FemCity Miami to raising thousands of dollars for charities in Miami. However, I did always know that I wanted to write and use my voice to uplift others, I just didn't know exactly how. Social media is giving me an opportunity to do that and so much more. I'm blogging, working on campaigns, mentoring and creating apparel to keep moms looking fly.
Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles, or challenges? What were they and how did you get passed it and grow from the experience?
Yes!!!! One of the biggest challenges for me was creating balance between the business and motherhood. Being a mom came first so early on I didn't put as much time and effort into growing the business. As the kids got older it got a little easier to manage. I learned to be flexible.
What was the biggest lesson you learned while starting and growing this business?
The biggest lesson that I have learned is to be willing to change things up. A lot has changed since 2010. Technology and social media was no where near where it is today. You have to kinda go with the flow and be willing to recreate your brand if things aren't working.
What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feel like it's too difficult?
If you are feeling stuck or things seem too difficult, I highly recommend working with a life/business coach who can help you reevaluate your business and where you want to go. Sometimes when things aren't working, it may be because we need to try something new. Don't quit, but be willing to adjust!
What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?
Honestly my daughters inspire me to keep growing my business. I want to leave a legacy for them.
Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?
Just do it! There has never been a better time for female entrepreneurs. There are so many support groups and funding opportunities. Write down what you want, say a prayer and go for it.
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Facebook: @sportymommas