Soulful Moxie Empowers, Liberates And Guides successful Women To True fulfillment
Soulful Moxie empowers successful women to know fulfillment, without starting over. Our mission is to liberate 100,000,000 souls to emotional freedom - to live, lead and speak from their hearts ALWAYS and to re-calibrate the cultural norm of success to true fulfillment, where purpose is the igniter for passion and prosperity.
What was the inspiration to start this business?
I had the perfect life on the outside - successful executive, the money, the house, the car, the designer fashion, but I was lifeless inside. My personal self was in shambles. I longed to feel genuine joy for oh so long but just couldn’t. I said I loved my work and was driven and consumed by it. My work was my worth and the day that I landed the C-suite position was the day everything changed.
When you started your business, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?
Hell no! I thought there was only one path - that corporate was the only way to be successful. That’s what I was taught and the road ruts to that journey were so deep that I believed there was no way out. If I tried to do something different, I would be a failure, and starting over wasn’t an option. What I found through my journey is that you can have it all. You can be successful and fulfilled without starting over.
Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles, or challenges? What were they and how did you get passed it and grow from the experience?
Of course, there were times and things that didn’t fall into place as I expected.
I thought starting this business was the same as any other business - write a business strategy and marketing plan like I did in corporate. And while there is truth to that, there is an emotional investment here that’s different from when you work for someone else. You own this and sometimes your emotions can cloud your perspective because this is very personal to you. So gaining objectivity is really important, while staying aligned to your beliefs.
So in the beginning there were lots of ‘tests and learns’ that had to happen both from the perspective of ‘is it right for the business and is it right for me’. The two had to be aligned to make this right. I had programs that I felt so passionate about and they bombed. I was mortified. But having come from the innovation space, I knew that I had to constantly iterate and refine. It’s not just about what I think, but about what is needed. It forced me to get clear, really clear on what I wanted to do and it wasn’t until I landed my mission, that my heart really lit up and then the business started to move in the right direction.
What was the biggest lesson you learned while starting and growing this business?
Fear and self-doubt are part of the journey. If you’re not feeling that, you’re not stretching and growing.
Trust yourself and your knowledge. Be curious and open. We all have powerful gifts. It may not be the ones that we think they are or the ones that those closest to us say we have. Our greatest gifts many times have been buried by the path of life that we chose. But they are there. We just have to unearth them. When we surrender to what they are and the power behind them, unlimited possibilities open up for us beyond our imagination.
What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feel like it's too difficult?
If it’s your dream, then it’s worth it. But you need to be your own “hell yes” first in believing that.
When it feels too difficult, it means you’re on the threshold of greatness. You are at the moment when you’re being tested. Temporary pain for the long term. What are you going to choose?
Do you have a support system? As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to fall prey to living in a silo so we have to make the effort to not be.
Who is your advisory board? Find the best mentors for you; make sure they’re the best at what they do, they light you up and are advocates for you. They’ll help you navigate the landmines and collapse time.
And the questions that I ask my clients when they’re struggling - Do you really want it? - Is it too hard or are you afraid of success? - If you decided to quit, where will you be 6 months, 12 months from now? - Do you love it? And if so, you go fight for it like your life depends on it, because it does!
What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?
The transformation and impact on people’s lives. When I have a bad moment I just remember the sparkle that I see in their eyes when they feel the shift; when their heart Burts open. Having impact on others is a gift that keeps giving to everyone on this journey. The world needs more aliveness, more passion, more joy. We can help change it, one step, one belief, one person at a time.
Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?
Your dream is worth it. You create what that means for you and that your empowerment and driver for every morning when you open your eyes and your feet hit the ground. True gratitude and abundance! Make every decision baed on is it serving the dream!
To connect: Website: —When Loves Speaks: A Collection to Inspire - my personal story is in there.
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