Member Spotlight: Sophie Zollman


Sophie Zollmann

We loved getting to know Sophie Zollmann, a Member of our FemCity Nashville community and of our FemCity Founder’s Program.

Tell us what inspired you to start your business?

I needed to make money for the family without all my income going to daycare for my 2 children. After years of freelance work, I got on social media as a VA to network and connect. Six months later, other VAs were hiring me for subcontract work and my business was born!

What is the best bit of business advice you received?

When I lost everything in 2018 and thought I had nothing, my coach said this to me. "You have EVERYTHING you need to succeed." That changed my whole mindset around the loss and having to start over. It led me to the best version of myself and my business.

Tell us about a moment you felt like giving up but moved forward and found growth and blessings?

In January 2019, my one and only client I was exclusive with let me go. I lost it all and started over from ground zero. Thankfully, my husband and business coach were right there to help me pick up the pieces and start over to create a better business and life quickly and fairly easily.

What inspires you to keep growing your business?

We want to build our wealth to create a legacy for our children and grandson as well as pay it forward through our non-profit foundation. The more I grow my business, the more I can contribute to those efforts.

Final advice for other women running businesses?

Don't do it alone. Surround yourself with like-minded people whether that be coaches, mentors, masterminds, colleagues or family.

TO FOLLOW Sophie Zollmann:

@thesophiezo on Socials