Jewelry designer and a lifelong learner fueled by color, curiosity, and community
Dee Berkley
As a small business owner, it is extremely important to me to find a way to help other small businesses, especially during this global crisis, while supporting the communities that so need our help.
We strive to help other businesses become their own hometown heroes by making it easy and seamless for them to make their own community-driven products.
What was the inspiration to start this business?
My mom was an industrial designer and landscape architect who designed everything from iconic logos to zoo enclosures.
Watching her work, her natural curiosity, and her creativity outside the workplace (she used to place sapphires in windowsills to see if she could alter their hue) inspired my love affair with creating.
When I was seven years old, I would remove the spiral plastic binders from my siblings’ notebooks, cut the rings apart, color them with crayons, and sell them as rings.
When my daughter was born, I wanted to be able to stay at home with her, so I set up shop in my living room and invited my friends from her preschool to come over and shop for the pieces I created. From all of that, Dee Berkley Jewelry was born!
When you started your business, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?
My business really started organically. I was a new mom and really wanted to continue to work and still be there for my family, so I didn’t really know what I wanted it to be, other than a way for me to earn some extra money from the comfort of my living room.
Seeing what it has become today is more than I could have ever dreamed of.
Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles, or challenges? What were they and how did you get past it and grow from the experience?
I truly think as an entrepreneur, the struggles are always there. Sometimes you have to play things by year, especially now when things change by the hour. It’s funny, when people told me to look at the big picture, I would think to myself…” big picture”? How can I think big picture when I have to worry about what’s happening in the next hour?
Some of the more obvious struggles are often about cash flow, making sure my team is happy and growing along with keeping my customers happy and engaged with the brand. Then add in the personal struggle of having a family that at the end of the day you just want to be there for, put aside the challenges of growing a business, and just be a wife and mom.
What was the biggest lesson you learned while starting and growing this business?
Prior to starting this company, I was still involved in the jewelry industry, but I had the mindset that if something sold, that’s great.
Even though things were selling, they weren’t necessarily branded as I had never had experience in branding a company. The biggest lesson that I had to learn was that my products need to be branded and have consistency.
It’s not just about hoping that your pieces are purchased. It’s about putting your name on a brand that conveys the message, the level of quality, and who we are as a brand.
What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feel like it's too difficult?
Being a woman in business can feel very isolating at times. You are responsible for so much. Struggles will always be there, but sometimes you just need to close the computer, put away the paperwork, and take a mental health day.
Reach out to other woman business owners for support, friendship, and advice. Sometimes it’s just realizing that you are not alone in those struggles and we have all been there.
My best advice has come from other business owners who are honest and real in their struggles. When you know you are not alone, and others have experienced similar things, it gives you a great inspiration to solve the problem, grow, and learn!
What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?
I would 100% say it is our Community Support Program. The program was started before COVID hit but really took off during the pandemic. To be able to help other retailers and charities make a difference in their communities has been my biggest inspiration to date. In just a few short months, we were able to raise over $60,000 for charities nationwide and we are not even close to finished.
The charities that have been helped, the people we have met and the good works we still have waiting for us on the horizon. Knowing that I can combine two of my passions, jewelry, and philanthropy, is the biggest inspiration to keep growing my business and help as many people as possible.
Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?
It is never too late to begin. There will be challenges and struggles but surround yourself with a team that believes in you and your vision.
Do what you do best, and try to find people to do what you don’t do well to help. In the beginning, you will often do everything, but as you grow, you must let go and focus on what it is that brought you to begin your business. Lean into your talents and let others help you with the other stuff!
Also, remember that customer service is one of the most important things about running a business. Be honest and accountable to your customers from the start. Do not forget even the smallest customers as your business grows. Remember your roots and your beginnings, and always give your customers 100%.
To connect: Insta: @deeberkleyjewelry//