JULIE BALL // Founder + Chief Sparkler of Sparkle Hustle Grow
Founder + Chief Sparkler of Sparkle Hustle Grow
Tell us about your aha moment in starting your firm?
After running a successful all-female website design & development firm for 6 years, I wanted to get out from behind the screen. I wanted a tangible product, something to reignite my work “flow.”
Then, I watched a Facebook Live where a friend & colleague of mine made a statement that really stuck with me. She was talking about feeling overwhelmed in her business and stated her mantra of “Don’t Worry Alone.” My aha moment. I wish I had heard this 6+ years earlier. I was worrying alone.
I felt like I was on a deserted island. I had no fellow entrepreneur friends, only a few clients at the time, and I was quickly doubting that I was cut out for this. I went through all the feelings. Sadness, loneliness, disappointment, fear. Fortunately, after some self-reflection and chatting about it with a few colleagues, I had a lightbulb moment and realized… I thrive in community. But where were my people?
I know how critical it is to surround myself with like-minded people but I hadn’t taken the time to find my “new” people (after leaving corporate America). This realization, coupled with my biggest inspiration, the female entrepreneur community, is what led me to start Sparkle Hustle Grow, a monthly subscription box + online community for female entrepreneurs.
Taking my knowledge of the entrepreneurial world and key products that had helped me grow my own business, I combined them into one product, delivered monthly in a fun-to-open package and through this, have been able to help fellow boss ladies on their journeys toward success.
Did you have any fears or struggles when launching your business? If so, how did you get past them?
Of course! Would it be entrepreneurship if there weren’t fears involved?!
Every single month on shipping day, those fears creep in…especially in the first year. Will they like the products in the box? Will it arrive in beautiful condition? (I’m looking at you USPS) Will my subscribers take advantage of the training and the community that I pour my heart into? Validation is one of my top love languages so I literally feel like I’m holding my breath each month, waiting for boxes to arrive and the first social media posts saying “I love it!”
As time goes on, I get more comfortable with the monthly ebb and flow of my business systems. But one thing that was instrumental in getting past my fear was to just ask. I am constantly asking for feedback and ideas from my subscribers, allowing them to help me make my business decisions. When they chime in, it take the pressure off me and puts them in the drivers seat. It’s a win win!
What would you say to a FEM that is looking to launch her own firm but hesitating?
If you are looking to launch your own business but hesitating, I recommend reaching out for help. There are so many individuals and communities that you can tap into - some free, some paid - to help you work on your mindset, your business plan and the execution of it. These days, anyone can start a business! Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
What advice would you share for FEMS looking to scale their business?
My advice to FEMS looking to scale your business is to get out of your own way. So often, we feel we are the only ones that can do the job right. But if you take the time to document your tasks, you can easily delegate the mundane tasks and then look to outsource tasks that aren’t in your wheelhouse. It’s scary to make that leap, but it’s worth it. Take the time to interview until you find people that are a good fit for your business and your time will free up to work on the long term scalability plan.
Our slogan is business for your soul. How do you incorporate gratitude in your daily work?
I truly believe that the more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for. I practice gratitude by writing it down, by telling my team and customers how much I appreciate them, and by creating unexpected surprises to show my gratitude. (like happy mail, handwritten notes, video messages, etc)
Any final advice or inspiration for women looking to launch and grow their business?
My final bit of advice is to approach your business with a mindset of abundance. There is more than enough to go around. Even if you offer the same service as someone else, you can present it in your own unique way. Your vibe attracts your tribe so keep it positive and abundant!
ABOUT JULIE: Julie Ball is the Founder + Chief Sparkler of Sparkle Hustle Grow, a monthly subscription box and online community for female entrepreneurs. Julie leads thousands of women through personal development and business training in a way that’s fun and supportive. Julie is an author, speaker, community builder, subscription box coach-- featured in Forbes, Business Insider, POPSUGAR, Hello Sunshine, and US Weekly.
Sparkle Hustle Grow is a monthly subscription box and online community for female entrepreneurs. It's for the boss babe, the go-getter, and the side hustler. Each box includes 4-6 items like books, chic office supplies and tech gadgets. In addition to the physical items, subscribers also get access to online training and a vibrant online community.