How to Network with Friends

INTENTION : Create strong relationships with those that we meet along the way.

I have met mentors at birthday parties, while being a part of panels, even while walking a dog. You can network anywhere and at anytime. Networking with heart and with a strong connecting intention is a grand way to grow your circle and create strong relationships that last a lifetime.

  1. Real Questions // Don’t do the standard “what do you do” or “do you have any kids”. Stay clear from the typical and standard leading questions. These types of questions either close down the response or they may provide a clinical response and a cool tempered start. Ask a question that is relevant to the activity that is going on in the present moment.

  2. Listen // Don’t hear them to just respond and toot your own horn. Take the time to truly listen. People know when others are connected and engaged. Attempt to listen to them at least 60-70 % of the time. Allow them to elaborate on details and don't interrupt. Keep the conversation rolling and tilted more in their favor. People love to talk about themselves and share. When you listen, they will feel a deeper rapport with you and feel connected because you took an authentic interest in them. Don’t have your phone out or start to stray mentally. Give them your 100% attention during your time with them. Go even beyond and seek to learn 3 unique details about them and what's important in their live.

  3. Follow up // Connect with them after on a social media or get their business card. If you felt a profound shift in chatting with them, make an effort to stay in touch. Next time you connect with them, mention 1 of the 3 things you learned about them. They will feel so much love and gratitude to you that you remembered the little details and aspects of them. They will love that you are genuinely interested in what they are interested in.

Bonus! See how you can be of service. Think to yourself, how can I help this person; A favor, introduction, an invite, a funny meme. See how you can extend your hand in this new relationship in order to help and serve them greater. You are off to a great new relationship for business or life.

To watch the video on this topic, click here. 

Violette is the Founder of FemCity // an online global network featuring business and lifestyle trends with over 70 local communities designed exclusively for women. Violette is also a business coach, motivational speaker, small business consultant, writer and mother of three. As a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience, Violette is passionate about supporting women entrepreneurs through business growth, big vision strategies and positivity along the way. For more inspiration and business tips, visit and Follow Violette de Ayala // @violettedeayala