DANIELLE WOOLLEY // FemCity Global Member
Danielle Woolley
FemCity Global Member Interview
Danielle Woolley interviewed by Chrystal Rose, FemCity Global Members
How did you become involved with FemCity?
When I travel (which is often) I always look to see what I can do during any free time from clients to either connect with other women or do something self care related. I was on a business trip in Kansas City, Missouri and found a local FemCity event, attended, fell in love with everything there and the way that I felt when I left, was connected with Violette through the local leader, launched in New Jersey where I live and am now a Director and global member with the organization.
What do you love the most about being a global member? How has this impacted your business?
I consider the global program to be a high-vibe group of mentors, partners and collaborators from all over that assist me both personally and professionally in my growth. I also love that it extends my reach of clients and opportunities through the trusted relationships I've grown as a global member and it gives me the opportunity to teach and give back through our virtual classes and programs. And I get to do fun meetups when I travel, I've had at least a dozen one-on-one connections with other fems all over. And so happy I got to visit you at Rebellia HQ when I was in NC a few months ago and be part of your launch campaign in 2016 having a skirt named after me!! It's been so inspiring watching your business transformations.
What is a mistake you’ve made that you feel others would learn from?
My biggest mistake was speaking in definitives years ago. I used to say I would "never do something" or "always do something" or "I don't understand why people can't just do x" or "I made this goal I am sticking with it til the end" - stuff like that. I did this in both my personal and professional life and then went through my own challenges and growth where my needs, goals, and levels of expertise changed and my alignments changed as I evolved and I had to rebuild my personal brand after doing or not doing the things I said I never would or always would, and also gave myself permission to switch goals and alignments!
How do you practice self-love?
I used to be SO time block and productivity driven with such high goals because I have always had multiple businesses and projects in addition to a full time career so mapped out every minute.(Even with family!!) It got to the point that I would make myself feel bad for doing something creative or enjoyable if I hadn't yet met my business or personal goals with the limited time I had left. Now, I have actually found that by practicing self-love rather than just self care or goal related activities I am gentler on myself and actually am more productive and successful after doing creative things like art, writing, poetry readings, getting out in nature or simply being still. My entire energy and vibe shifts when I practice self-love too, which 100% affects my success in all areas of life.
What is your current greatest goal?
To hone in one ONE business that is not just something I am an expert at but that I also love doing. I have been successful at working full time and running multiple businesses and passion projects for nearly 20 years, and this past year I have encountered a new shift where I am feeling pulled to have more ease and flow in just one area. Just because I am an expert in multiple fields and am capable of doing it all, it's no longer my goal - being the best me at the best ONE (ok maybe 2) things that I love and can put out into the world to spread awesomeness out into the world through supporting small businesses, intentional connections and awesome customer experiences is my current goal. Also, being able to articulate what I do in less words!
What is something you’ve had to let go of in order to reach your current goals?
I've let go of saying yes. I actually did a yes fast for a week and it really opened up my eyes to how much stuff I was committing to that I didn't realize was affecting my happiness. It was super tough at first to decline invites to be part of projects, businesses, and causes that I'd be great at or in alignment with but at the end of the day we can't do it all and it causes distractions from where your energy is being called to truly be. Interestingly, the more I practiced saying thank you for thinking of me but now is not a good time it became LIBERATING and is opening up more space for my refined business to flow and shift toward its next level while ALSO working full time and ALSO enjoying just being.
What is a super random thing that many people would not guess about you?
Just one?? I am a super random person, but I'll go with I microwave ice cream cake.
Danielle Woolley is a natural born connector, speaker, trainer, business consultant and facilitator who lives by the saying, “Collect Experiences Not Things.”
Nicknamed a Renaissance woman by her peers, Danielle shares her creative ideas, business process and customer experience expertise, and her supportive network of resources to her clients.
She lives in New Jersey with her husband and 2 rescue cats when she is not traveling all over. She enjoys hanging by the bonfire chatting with people or reading a book while her hubby snowboards and she has fun being bad at karaoke.
Connect with her at: daniellewoolley.com