Business Bullies



By Violette de Ayala

When I was in middle school, I was bullied by a group of classmates who used hurtful words to tear me down. They made fun of my weight, calling me names just to get a reaction, and it was a long time before I could heal from the sting of being called things like "beached whale" and other unkind terms.

What got me through was learning how to tune them out, focusing on nurturing healthy relationships, and choosing to see the world through a positive lens. It gave me the power to control my emotions, reclaim my self-worth, and reject the hurtful narratives they tried to impose on me.

Fast forward to age 22, when I started my first business—something I’ve done many times since then. And with each new venture, I’ve encountered business bullies along the way. Funny thing is, as my success grew, so did the number of bullies. They operate a bit differently in business but, at their core, they’re the same. Business bullies will send nasty emails, make cutting remarks, and throw negativity your way, but their actions come from a place of fear and insecurity, and it has nothing to do with you.

Today, I want to share three ways to handle business bullies because I never want you to feel small, powerless, or like you’re anything less than the beautiful, radiant light you are. And the truth is, business bullies often lash out at that light because their own world feels a little dark.

Respond with love and kindness. Take the high road. Communicate in a way that feels good to you and lets your heart shine with empathy.

If that doesn’t work, stick to the facts. You don’t need to get emotional or reactive. Respond calmly and from a place of peace, setting a tone that can sometimes diffuse the situation.

Or, choose to walk away. You can unfollow, block, or remove yourself from the conversation. Sometimes, no matter how much love you give, the situation won’t change, and it’s okay to let go.

I know it can be tempting to want the last word or to prove your kindness, but remember that setting boundaries is an act of self-love. By valuing your time, energy, and peace, you show the world how much you matter. 

Business bullies will always be around, moving from one situation to the next, feeding on drama and chaos. But you? Focus on your growth, your well-being, and your joy. Keep shining, and never dim your light for anyone else’s comfort.

You’re magic, you’re a star, and the world needs more of the greatness only you can offer. Keep prospering, no matter who tries to hold you back. You’ve got this. 🌟

Violette de Ayala

FemCity Founder