Vanessa Gordon’s Tip for 2022: Trust Your Intuitions
Vanessa Gordon
Vanessa Gordon is the Founder and Publisher of East End Taste Magazine, a digital sustainable travel and food publication based in the Hamptons on Long Island. Vanessa is also the Founder of the annual Hamptons summer event, the Hamptons Interactive Brunch. She lives in Sag Harbor with her husband and two children.
What was the biggest lesson you learned from 2021?
Interestingly, the biggest lesson I learned from 2021 is to trust my gut without reservation. Oftentimes in previous years, I would give others the benefit of the doubt and set my own reservations aside. 2021 solidified that notion for me of trusting your instincts. I practiced trusting my gut more and more throughout the latter half of 2021. I noticed that if I did not feel right or had a strange feeling after say a consultation, discovery call, introductory chat, etc., I moved on without reservation. On the other hand, the meetings I felt very positive about, I decided to move ahead with. I am pleasantly surprised by how powerful our gut reactions can be. With this in mind, I can zero in one what is most important with my business and develop both new and solid relationships.
How are you preparing for 2022?
I am preparing in a slow and steady manner. I have been walking around with a notepad--something I used to do on a very regular basis when I was focused on creative writing in high school--and every time a thought comes to mind, I write it down. Instead of spending time browsing on my phone in the evening and watching informational clips on YouTube, I spend my late evenings opening up my mind and reading through the notes I wrote down that day. In addition, one of my main intentions for 2022 is to put myself first. I have been putting my business first and other peoples' needs first in 2021 which eventually created stress and regret. I ask myself every time I want to venture into a new project- if it does not better me and does not build my brand and image, I will not proceed.
What advice would you give other female founders that are looking to create big success in 2022?
Keep yourself well read and well informed. Set aside time for yourself in a quiet place and read some books/literature on topics you enjoy.
Set aside time to learn a new language. I have been setting 1 hour a day aside to learn Italian. Ever since just mid-December of 2021, I have already seen tremendous growth and feel confident in speaking in simple conversation. You never know where a new language could take you!
Make 2022 about making new connections. Do not hesitate to message those you have been meaning to write to on LinkedIn, make that call, or complete that email in your draft folder. It won't get done unless you act on it.
What’s your 2022 mantra?
"If you want something done, you have to do it yourself."