Kimra Major-Morris on Avoiding Disruption and Appreciating Team-Building in 2022
Kimra Major-Morris
As I reflect on all that we have at our disposal now – the worldwide web, the ability to plug into virtual business opportunities, learn anything we want, engage with anyone we want – at any time of day or night, it’s disruptive when it’s not controlled.
Kimra Major-Morris is a top-rated intellectual property attorney, a nationally published author, the tv host of the Telly-Award winning show Legal Connections, in partnership with FAMU College of Law and Orange TV, and an educator on the protection and monetization of intellectual property. Her clients include global brands and creatives, professional athletes, influencers, and victims’ families sealing the legacies of their loved ones through intellectual property ownership and licenses.
What was the biggest lesson you learned from 2021?
The biggest 2021 lesson is the only thing I can control is myself. It showed me that business success and growth must be supported by new technology and collaborations. It solidified the old adage that no man is an island. With the restricted access to in-person events, we craved in-person time and missed feeling the energy of others. Life is about sharing our talents, stories, resources, and knowledge, and in many ways our spaces to share our gifts have been limited since the pandemic began. Collaborations feed our personal, spiritual, professional, and financial growth, and I’ve certainly gained a greater appreciation for team building.
How are you preparing for 2022?
I am working on virtual courses about intellectual property in business, entertainment, and sports. With the high demand for information on name, image, and likeness rights, NFTs, co-branding pros and cons, and e-worship copyright issues, the need to disseminate the information to more people faster is here. Although I will continue to travel around the country to conduct copyright and trademark seminars, I look forward to making my courses more accessible.
What advice would you give other female founders that are looking to create big success in 2022?
Narrow your offering to establish yourself as an expert in one thing sooner; Study your process to implement automation; delegate small tasks as soon as possible; and find ways to make the customer experience amazing. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising.
What’s your 2022 mantra?
Less is more. As I reflect on all that we have at our disposal now – the worldwide web, the ability to plug into virtual business opportunities, learn anything we want, engage with anyone we want – at any time of day or night, it’s disruptive when it’s not controlled. There has to be a designated time for it. Otherwise, for me, it’s disruptive to peace, disruptive to productivity, disruptive to relationships, and disruptive to the strategic plan that’s best for me and my purpose.