FemCity Naples Leader
What is the biggest misnomer on Self-Love?
That self-love is easy. It is not easy. We aren't talking about going to the store and buying something to make us feel good in the moment. It takes a lot of self-awareness and long term changes in our own behavior towards ourselves.
What was the biggest struggle for you when it came to your own Self-Love feelings, thoughts and internal conversations?
My biggest struggle with self-love was learning to put myself first. You know the adage? Put your own oxygen mask on first, before helping others. I was guilty of putting everyone else's needs before mine. I would minimize my importance in the equation. I did this to the point of compromising my own health. So when I decided it was time to practice self-love, I had to learn how to say no to people, including my family. I had to stop and ask myself what did I want. I had to stand firm in what I wanted and learn what self-love looked like. This is not always a popular position with people who are used to having my full undivided attention.
How do you practice Self-Love?
My daily meditation practice is my biggest example of self-love. Sitting alone, one on one with me and addressing what I want from the day and what is important to me. Again, that sounds easy right? Nope, my mind easily wants to segue to other people and what I can do and if I am doing enough for them. It is a practice each and everyday. In the end, this has made me a stronger person and those around me too.