DANICA PATRICK // Transition + Inspiration

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We caught up with Danica Patrick and she shares her story and some advice as she moves from the racing world into the world of wine. We hope you enjoy this interview and find inspiration!

What was the inspiration to go from the racing world into the world of wine? 

There wasn’t a direct correlation but the only thread I can draw is because of racing I lived in England and that’s where I started drinking wine. The drinking age is much younger in England and Europe so I guess that’s where I got the start. Through my travels of racing I was able to see other wine countries, racing in Sonoma, Australia but generally speaking I don’t think there was a direct correlation, I just got interested in wine, loved the process and loved the connectivity it can provide. It was really just the industry itself that won me over. 

Was there any challenges in making the transition and if so, how did you overcome them?

It wasn’t so much the transition but getting over the fact that I had achieved a high level in racing and a high level of recognition and that I am new to wine so you kind of have to earn your way. Just like it took me from 10 years old to early 20’s (23 before I raced indy cars) it’s going to take time to establish myself, the brand, the authenticity, story and quality so that was the thing for me to overcome. I wasn’t laterally moving from the top of one thing to necessarily the top level of another, there’s foundation to be created.  

There are many women right now looking to pivot into creating new businesses. What is the biggest lesson you learned in business that you think would inspire or help them as they look to launch a new business? 

I think the most important thing for a woman is that she’s confident. Confidence is really what’s the most important when it comes to accomplishing something great, just believing in yourself and putting in the hard work. Finding what it is you love most ultimately because that’s what you’re going to work hard for.  

Who inspired you as a young girl that elevated your belief in yourself? 

This is something I always go back and forth about, its like the tortured artist. When you keep setting new goals you feel like you have something to achieve, something to prove because you’re never just satisfied. There’s been times in my career where I haven’t felt so confident but one thing that’s always been really powerful for me is to look back and to look how far I’ve come and realize I didn’t just get here for no reason. I got here because of my talent, my commitment and all the people that helped me. I think that’s important to do when you get down on yourself, just look at how far you’ve come. 

What do you do to stay so grounded and balanced with juggling life and work? 

That’s your own art form, its not a 50/50. I don’t believe balance is 50/50. So, for me I have a compacity to work quite a bit and accomplish things and not need not as much down time. Now that I’m retired, I have a lot more downtime so I would say I like staying busy so I can get a little bored from time to time. One thing I know I wanted to do when I retired, which I am doing but I’m not saying I’m making a job of it but it is something I take the time for, to plan trips, plan events, plan online courses, plan things. Which takes some commitment to just have the discipline to sit down and do it but I think it’s the best way to get the most out of life and especially your down time. 

What advice would you give to others looking to branch out into a new industry or business?

What’s your motivation I guess is the question with that. If you have a motivation to be successful because you’re really passionate about it then I think it will just work, if your motivation is just to make money, I think that’s short sighted and you probably will make money but then what. So I think you need to look at your goals but as far as going into something new, you don’t know a lot about, I’m assuming you’re doing it because you’re interested but if you’re going into a new business and know nothing about it, then you need to be humble, apprentice, ask questions, be open to absorbing information instead of letting your insecurity play out and acting like you know what you’re doing.  

We love your wine! How can we purchase more and follow your journey?

https://www.somniumwine.com/ to buy that wine and my newest venture is my French rose which you can purchase at https://danicarosewine.com/ and follow along on socials @danicarosewine.  

About Danica Patrick // Danica Patrick is best known for her prowess behind the wheel of a racecar. She’s garnered international attention for breaking barriers and succeeding in the male-dominated world of professional motorsports. Now, retired from racing cars, Danica has her eye on a new prize, crossing new boundaries and building a new all-star team with Nechio Novak to make a world-class rosé in one of the oldest regions to produce wine, Provence, France.

Danica developed a passion for wine while living in England as a young woman, where she grew fond of French varietals like Chablis and Sancerre.

After cultivating her own wine in Napa Valley, Somnium, she set her sights on a new wine region expressing the regional characteristics only represented in French wines. Her passion and history with the region ultimately led her to the southeast coast of France, where she discovered true, wine romance in the oldest French region to produce wine, Provence. The “spiritual home” of rosé.

And although she’s retired from racing, her competitive nature shines bright in her quest to make the best possible French rosé around. As a result, she built an all-star winemaking team with award-winning winemakers and a world-renowned family whose winemaking tradition dates back to the 1790’s. The result is an invigorating and easy-to-enjoy wine made in the traditional Provençal style – Danica Rosé.

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