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Harvest New Opportunities

For ADA Compliance:


Think about your past 3 opportunities. How did they come to you?

What three actions did you take in order for these opportunities to show up in your life?




Do the three action steps you noted above have any commonality or similar patterns? Note them here:

How can you take what you noted above and amplify your action steps to harvest more opportunities to show up in your life?

Be specific.

ACTION PLAN : It's time to put all of the above into action. Here is your homework:

  • Create time blocks in your calendar for the action steps you noted above.

  • Commit to the time blocks and be persistent over the course of 30 days. Work at these action steps consistently.

  • Share kind words to yourself and honor the times you take on a moment of uncomfortableness or step into areas of action that scare you a bit.

  • Recognize that there is opportunity all around you. All you have to do is move forward with clarity and consistent action. You've got this!