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Money Series with Violette

Join FemCIty Founder, Violette de Ayala for March’s FREE Money Series for FemCIty Members. She’s so excited to help more women make money through changing their mindset.

We will meet every Thursday in March starting March 9 at 2pm! We’ll be using the NEW FemCIty Money Guide. Before we get started, make sure you Order your book here

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 814 7126 5337

Passcode: 523535

Week 1:

A review of the journal and how to start your 30-days.

Week 2:

Stories of success using the journal. What have we learned about our money stories… Violette will share her former money story


Week 3:

Focusing in on how fall in love with making money and attracting wealth


Week 4:

What to do when a block shows up and blocks you from attracting wealth… changing out old narratives and an exercise on how to change your money story