Having an optimized and strategically managed marketing presence is key to branding, building and boosting business. Success comes from more than having the tools in place - it is how and why the tools are used that drives success. There are five factors that must be integrated into web marketing work to make marketing click. Lorrie Thomas Ross MA, author, educator and agency CEO, will share her five-factor success framework that bridges the art and science of web marketing to improve all the pieces of your marketing puzzle. She will give tips on how to use today’s high-tech world in a high-touch way to help maximize customer relationships, build credibility and grow your business’s visibility. She will show you how to optimize your marketing efforts, no matter how experienced you are, to identify ways to optimize what you are doing to elevate your business.
• The five factors for web and social marketing success
• Simple steps to improve your web marketing efforts
• Simple steps to develop a smart web marketing strategy
• How to integrate your marketing for maximum results
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