During this time, we have an opportunity to connect deeper.
To dream bigger and to re-decide Where do you want to be in 6 months?
Who we want to be in 6 months? We start with the WHO because the person you will be in 6 months will determine WHAT you can do in 6 months.
In mid May, Violette de Ayala, and I had a discussion about how I could be of service to the FemCity Community. We explored some ideas about what we could put into place now to better deal with the current situation and to build our personal and community resilience for a better future, particularly for women.
:: This community of women in leadership, women leaders.
:: There’s a new world order being formed.
:: And it’s up to us to be the leaders shaping it.
:: We are instructed to create a new world.
We’re all changing, and with a conscious intention we choose to evolve and raise our vibration and hold our place in the world as leaders.
Where do you want to be in 6 months?
Linda Babulic is an Executive Life Coach, speaker, author of the Amazon #1 International Best Seller ZEST Your Life - A Taste of Inner Wisdom and certified Dream Coach®.
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