Looking for a Women’s
Networking Group in Johnson City?
We’re not your average Johnson City women’s networking group
Curated and created by women for women, FemCity is a community dedicated to arming you with everything you need to grow and live a happy life.
Here’s how to get started with
FemCity Johnson City:
Sign up for our Free Community Membership. For a more elevated experience, select our Business Membership.
Register for a FemCity Johnson City Event.
Reach out to me, your FemCity Johnson City President and let’s get connected.
Rebecca Russell
Johnson City
Women’s Networking Group President
Welcome to the FemCity Johnson City - a group of amazing business women all focused on connecting, empowering and supporting each other in business.
FemCity Johnson City is diverse in businesses and backgrounds which creates amazing opportunities for growth both personally and professionally for all women in business.
We are a newer women’s networking group in Johnson City still expanding and growing and having fun along the way - We would love to have you join us!
I can’t wait to meet you!
With Warmth & Gratitude,
Rebecca Russell
FEMCITY® Johnson City Women’s Networking Group President
PS. If you are looking to join FemCity Johnson City or want to partner up, send me an email. Click here to access the Members Portal of live classes, group coaching, library, networking events and more.