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Sparkle Every Day with Sunshine & Glitter sunscreens

Kids who wear sunscreen become adults who wear sunscreen. A child who receives a sunburn is 50% more likely to develop skin cancer as an adult. We make sunscreen that is fun to wear. Reef safe, with biodegradable glitter, that smell amazing.

We are 100% made in America, our tubes, our glitter, the full supply chain. This company was founded on the mission that the things in your life should be filled with joy I try to infuse that mission into our products as well.

What was the inspiration to start this business?

I met a woman who was adding craft glitter into sunscreen to get her kids to wear it. I was immediately struck. I have always loved glitter and anything that sparkles at all. It set me off on a journey.

When you started your business, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?

Honestly, yes. And no. We were doing great until COVID and then it was about having to recalibrate. But actually I’m just getting started. I have these micro goals that I’m constantly working towards and the minute I achieve it - I’m working towards the next goal.

Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles, or challenges? What were they and how did you get passed it and grow from the experience?

So that was a huge lesson. We lost hundreds of thousands of orders in a day in March of 2020. All doors shut. All cruise lines stopped all festivals canceled. Disney closed. Legoland closed. I was sitting on a mountain of inventory and no where to send it. It was terrifying. I’m so grateful to be able to come back.

What was the biggest lesson you learned while starting and growing this business?

Resilience. Because it’s always going to be something. Some fire to put out, some thing is always going wrong. But as long as you are always moving forward- keep going.

What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feel like it's too difficult?

If it’s no longer bringing you joy, stop. If the price becomes higher than the reward. Stop. But if it’s all you want to do, and you truly think you can make it go- then go as hard as you can. It’s life. It’s is not a dress rehearsal. No regrets.

What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?

I vision myself growing, expanding the product line, the categories, the channels we sell in. It keeps me energized.

Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?

Find your niche. Know your customer better than they know themselves. Predict their needs, their desire. What excites them?

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Facebook @officialsunshineglitter