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Robin Anderson // Slow Can Be Steady Growth

Tell us in a few sentences how your brand helps others?

My brand helps women look and feel their absolute best and authentic self, while restoring they image, value, and confidence.

What was your initial inspiration that got you to where you are today?
Caring for others in a way that is custom and unique to their individual needs.

When you started your most recent path, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?

Yes and no! I have dreamed of starting my own health and beauty medical clinic for nearly 7 years and it amazes me that I have finally taken reach a point to where my facility's doors are open and serving others. I always knew it would happen, I just did not know when.

Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles or challenges? What were they and how did you get past it and grow from the experience?
Yes! While I was working as a travel med/surge beside nurse during the COVID-19 crisis, I found myself unexpectedly becoming a single working mother. There was a time where I did not know what my outcomes would be. I chose to show up every day and continue my path forward and that dedication, belief, and faith is what got me where I am today. I grew tremendously in the past year during this experience and it allowed me to deeply reflect on my own journey, attitudes, and self beliefs be allowing me to acknowledge and restore my own personal perceptions and self care. This is what makes me so passionate about helping other woman know their value you bring it to fruition.

What was the biggest lesson you learned during this journey?
Never give up on your dreams and truth for others, even it me requires walking your journey alone for some time until you encounter the individuals designed to be in your life.

What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feeling like it's too difficult?

This too shall pass, never stop 3 feet short of your goals and dreams. We are required by will to continue our divine path and mission in life. If it's your truth, it will be successful. Always look forward and learn from yesterday. It's ok to take rest when required, often we can accomplish more when we listen to our bodies. There are people who want to see you succeed!

What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?
Knowing that I can make an authentic connection and difference in the lives of everyone I encounter.

Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?
Nurture yourself and the right relationships. Slow can be steady and steady never feels overwhelming. Ask yourself, if I never do this, will I be more upset, than if I did and it failed? If the answer is yes, then it's worth doing. We can create our outcomes and we have everything inside ourselves to design a successful business.

Where can FEMS follow your journey or connect with you?
IG @lit_aestheticsrn

FB @litaestheticsrn

or visit https://litaestheticsrn.com

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