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Wellness | July 2024

FOR ADA Compliance:

WHAT DOES WELLNESS MEAN TO YOU? WHAT NUMBERS COME TO MIND WHEN YOU THINK OF WELLNESS? IS IT A NUMBER ON A SCALE, A GLUCOSE LEVEL, A 5K, SLEEP NUMBERS, OR INCHES AROUND YOUR ABDOMEN? ON A SCALE FROM 1-10, WITH 10 BEING THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF WELLNESS, WHERE DO YOU FEEL YOU SCORE? LET’S START WORKING ON YOUR WELLNESS: Envision yourself at the highest level of wellness. What does that look like for you? How does it feel? How does it physically look? How does it energetically resonate? What would you need to edit to have a more elevated level of wellness? With what you noted above, what 3-5 activities would you take on? What has prevented you from making these edits? Are there certain outdated narratives that spiral in your mind that hold you back from increasing your wellness level? What other edits would you like to take on? HOMEWORK: Start integrating one of the changes you noted above into your life with the intention of adding wellness. Once you get the groove of this going, add another action step, then another one. Slowly, you’ll start to find more balance.