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How to Mute Out the Chaos // Violette de Ayala

We all have the extra noise and with all the noise going on, it may make focusing on work, keeping your alignment and staying connected to your future a bit murky. When we take in the chaos of others around us, it absorbs its way into our beings and also in our daily breath. Through social media, texts and IRL conversations with others whose lives are in turmoil, it makes a silent big impact in the way we function. 
If you find yourself distracted, playing into the chaos of those around you, or feeling a bit disjointed from your goals and work, here are a few tips to get you back on track and grounded. 

  1. Take the time to literally ground yourself : one way to get back on track and grounded is to literally and physically remove yourself from any tech devices and humans, pull your posture as straight as it can go and do the following : take 20 deep breaths while moving your arms beyond your head and back to your waist. As you breathe in lift up your arms and as you breathe out return your arms to be by your side. If you feel comfortable, allow your head to also pivot up along with your hands so you get a deeper movement involving your head. As you start to breathe, envision your feet connecting to the ground and releasing all that was weighing you down. Envision your stress leaving your body and your feet becoming one with the earth. This is one of my favorite grounding exercises.

  2. Take time to journal out thoughts : Write out your thoughts and energy you have acquired from others and write until you feel a sense of joy and a renewal of energy. This may take only a few moments or it may take an hour. Close out your thoughts in your journal by noting “I release all this energy that is not supporting my greater good and I bring in new energy that does support my greater good”.

  3. Limit your time with others that bring in the chaos : You can love from afar and this can be true for those that bring in the chaos. Find the areas of your life that seem to bring in that chaotic feeling and start to limit time in those areas or remove it all together.

It is surprising to see how just making the small edits as noted above, can improve the bigger vision and focus that will lead you to your focus and alignment. Self-Care goes beyond the spa, and focusing on how your energy and time can exponentially serve us in a forward motion, helps us to remove the energy that holds us back.

About FemCity //  FemCity offers a Free 30-Day Trial Membership and Memberships start at only $15.99. You can also learn more about launching a FemCity Chapter in your community. FemCity has been seen in Gilt, Vogue, AP News, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and MarieClaire. Learn why FemCity is more than just a women’s networking group at www.femcity.com and on all social platforms @FemCity.

About Violette de Ayala // Violette de Ayala is the Founder and CEO of FemCity, a women's networking organization that infuses gratitude, positivity, purpose and soul through local gatherings, virtual networking and online connectivity. Violette is a spiritual self-help international best seller and the author of "The Self-Guided Guru, Life Lessons for the Everyday Human". She is also a motivational speaker, business advisor, investor and entrepreneur. Violette's been quoted in Forbes, Success, Entrepreneur, Fast Company and CNBC as a business expert. She has been seen in Parade, US News and World Reports, MarieClaire, BareMinerals "Women we love", People and InStyle publications and campaigns. FemCity has been seen in AP, Vogue, Gilt, Fast Company.  Connect with her on IG, FB, Twitter : @violettedeayala