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Jennifer Daly // Inspiring Moms to Break Free from Guilt

Tell us in a few sentences how your brand helps others?

I help Moms break free from the guilt and go after their goals! We can oftentimes get stuck as Mothers feeling like it's the only role we need to focus on however we had dreams before kids and those don't just die. I help women rise up and seize their season.

What was your initial inspiration that got you to where you are today?
I broke free from the Mom guilt that doing things for myself was taking away from my girls. What I found was that when I went for a goal (such as becoming Mrs. Texas) my daughters saw a women working hard to achieve her dreams. What better way to teach my children to do the same thing then to set the example.

When you started your most recent path, did you ever envision that you would be where you are now?

I did. I didn't necessarily know the path but I've always been focused on the destination; encouraging other Moms.

Was there ever a time that things didn't fall into place, struggles or challenges? What were they and how did you get past it and grow from the experience?
I started my business, Cheering On Moms the April of 2020. As someone who offered online resources, you would think this would have been the perfect timing however telling Moms to "build community" when they couldn't go out in it, helping them reach their goals, which typically didn't mean staying at home, all proved to be challenging. I began getting creative and building courses that prepared them to launch back into the real world with a plan. Shifting from "doing" to "planning" was really were the magic began to happen.

What was the biggest lesson you learned during this journey?
Be true to myself. Not everyone is going to be a great client fit for me but I will work hard to help those that come to me.

What would you tell a FEM that is struggling in her business and feeling like it's too difficult?

You are not alone. Our journeys have highs and lows. When you're feeling overwhelmed reach out to your sisterhood because when I'm down, I'll need you!

What continues to inspire you to keep on growing your business?
My two daughters. I'm showing them how to love and serve people while building an income and business I can pass along to them.

Final advice for those thinking of starting a business or looking to grow their current business?
Be flexible. Things seem to always change from what you envision but enjoy the journey. The highs will come but how do you get there? Hard work, building what you want, one day at a time.

Where can FEMS follow your journey or connect with you?
CheeringOnMoms.com OR Cheer.Daly on Instagram

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