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When & How to Surrender: 3 Signs It’s Time to Let Go and Move Forward


The topic of surrender came up during our October Masterclass, even though it wasn’t the focus. During the Q&A session, a powerful question emerged: What does it really mean to surrender, and how do you know when it’s time to let go?

Surrendering has been a profound practice in my life. I’ve surrendered many times—my marriage, which led to a more trusting and soulful partnership with my husband. I let go of old eating habits, allowing me to adopt a lifestyle that supports my pre-diabetes and healing. I even surrendered FemCity during the pandemic, which helped our community stay strong and continue growing in new and unexpected ways.

Surrendering has saved my life in many ways, and I want to share three signs that it might be time for you to surrender, too—so you can move forward into bigger, more meaningful opportunities.

3 Signs It’s Time to Surrender

  1. Feeling Blocked: If you’ve checked off all the boxes, put in the effort, and shown up fully, but you still aren’t seeing results, it might be time to surrender. Letting go can create space for new possibilities to unfold.

  2. Yearning for More Joy: If you feel like there’s more joy out there but it’s eluding you, or if happiness seems distant, this could be a sign that something is holding you back. Dive deep, identify what old narratives no longer serve you, and surrender them to make space for the new.

  3. Feeling a Calling: If you feel a pull toward a greater purpose, a sense that there’s something more meaningful out there, it might be time to reassess your priorities. Consider which tasks and activities no longer fill your cup and explore what is calling out to you on a deeper, soulful level.

Self-reflection and taking time for stillness can help you release outdated labels and stories, freeing yourself from what’s holding you back.

Join Our Free November Masterclass

For those seeking deeper guidance on surrender and letting go, I invite you to join our free November Masterclass. We’ll explore how surrendering can lead to bigger opportunities, greater abundance, and a more prosperous life.