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What does Self-Care mean to you?

When I think of self-care I think of making intentional time to recharge my soul no matter what else life is putting in my path.

What was the biggest struggle for you when it came to your own Self-Care?

It is difficult to carve out the time for oneself when there are many business or personal tasks that still need to be done. As we are expecting our first child this Spring, I know all too well things will change but I will still need to have some time for myself to be able to be my best for everyone else.

How do you practice Self-Care?

For me Self-Care can look like a variety of activities. Typically I focus on quiet-time to reflect or together time to focus on my relationships. It can be working in the garden, joining my friends for coffee, taking a relaxing bath or strolling around an art museum.

What was the biggest aha moment you had regarding your Self-Care habits?

The awareness that you cannot pour into others from an empty cup was a huge game changer from me. No matter how "busy" I may be I always make some time for me to enjoy away from work, the computer or household chores. It simply allows me the time I need to recharge and stay focused and happy!